Wednesday, April 9, 2008

When we love someone.... all that come from him/her are just beautiful and wonderful. We love every single thing comes from our beloved one. We admire everything about him/her. We think she/he is the most and the only perfect person in the world. We do unconditional sacrifice to do our best effort to understand deeply his/her language: his/her words, gestures, countenances, even understand of his/her silent. We try to understand every single word that composed for us, listen heartily every singles things that come from her/his mouth. We want to understand our beloved one with heart, listen him/her with heart. All of them are just in intention to be totally compassion, sympathy, and empathy as the devotion to our beloved one and to grow our love to him/her more.He/she is being the most important part of our life and even we take care of him/her more than we care ourselves. We would do anything sincerely and unconditionally to please our beloved one. The consequence we would try our best to watch out our behavior to not annoy her/him even just a bit. Ultimately we only think how to please our beloved one and how to make that person happy whole time, just to see his/her smiles face whole times.
Live seem just with highest goal to please the beloved one…Have you ever got love letter? Have you ever written love letters? If not let’s we imagine as if we ever did that, lets we imagine as if we are a true lover.Now, lets we think Allah is our beloved one and the only one who deserve to be loved whole heartily, He is the destination, the foundation and the source of all the love in this world. And Imagine Holly Quran is His love letters that sent for us through our beloved messenger Rasulullah sallahu alaihi wassalam.We actually just a lover in a short journey searching our beloved one and we are in lost...we are tying find the way to reach our beloved one (Allah subhana wata'ala). All we know He is waiting us, He always there but He actually very close and always watch us and He said a promise one day He will meet us and He will show His face to His sincere lovers, subhanallah – an ultimate gift for every lover to see one that loved. For that reason He has composed a book (Holly Quran) and it sent with His mercy because He loves us. He sent it as guider to read, understood and followed.
If we think Holly Quran as His love letters and if we sure it come from our beloved one we must yearn hardly to understand every singles words there. Even if we can’t understand the language we could feel the power behind that language, could feel the signal of love that sent while He composed it, just like the heart of lover that always in the sensitive frequency to catch the signal of the beloved through the barrier of language, distance and times. We could feel we are reading something lovely from our beloved one, even just only touch it, the heart has already started beating think we are going to read lovely words from our beloved one. We could feel the beauty, think all wonderful and amazing, our beloved one talking with us through His letters.We can not pass our days without start by read His love letters, It like kind of addiction and necessity to read His love letter whole times and make it part our life. When we feel down and sad we remember Him and read His love words to peace our heart, when we feel alone and get lost we read his love letter to feel being loved to feel never being abandon and feel always have guider to show the way. When we hardly need best friends to share we go talk with Him in silent night, privately and closely while He could listen and understand the deepest side of our heart without we tell Him. We remember Him in every time, and His love letters always accompany us in every moment of our life, in our sad and happy moment.We are in journey to be a true lover to find His love; therefore we must try our best to please Him in anything that we do. Ultimately we cant live without follow what He wishes and devote all our life and all we do just to please him…. as He is our beloved one.People said what we read could influence the way we thought. Can we imagine if we read Holly Quran everyday and try to understand it everyday, so Holly Qur'an will influence the way we thought everyday, subhanallah….

We have to try our best to keep Holly Quran inside our heart, not just part of our book collection that never moved from our bookshelf. How many of use who care to read it everyday…how many of us who has "tafseer" be part of our book collections to understand every single word our beloved one??


"O Allah:All the Praises are for You:You are the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth.You are the Light of the Heavens and the Earth.You are the Maintainer of the Heaven and the Earth and whatever is in them.O Allah!Forgive me my sins that I did in the past or will do in the future,The sins I did in secret or in public.Accept my repentance, wash away my sin,Let there be a far away distance between me and my sinsAs You have set far away the East and the West from each other.""O Allah,I seek refuge in Thee from the evil of what I hear, from the evil of what I see,I seek refuge in Thee from the evil of what I speak, from the evil of what I think,I seek refuge in Thee from hypocrisy, and evil character"O Allah,I seek refuge in Thee from objectionable characteristics, deeds and passionsI seek refuge in Thee from Knowledge which does not profit,I seek refuge in Thee from a heart which is not submissive,I seek refuge in Thee from a soul which has an insatiable appetite,I seek refuge in Thee from a supplication which is not heard.""O AllahMake true my tongueDraw out malice in my breastGuide me to the path of peace; bring me from darkness to light,Save me from obscenities, outward or inward,"O Allah,Grant me enough of what Thou makest lawfulSo that I may dispense with what Thou makest unlawful,And make me able by Thy grace to dispense with all but Thee.""O Allah,Set right for me my religion which is the safeguard of my affairs.Set right for me the affairs of my world wherein is my living.Set right for me my Hereafter on which depends my after-life.And make the life for me a source of abundance for every goodMake my death a source of comfort for me protecting me against every evil.""O Allah,Make my character beautifulPlace light in my heart, light in my sight, light in my hearing,Place light on my right hand, light on my left hand,Place Light above me, light below me, light in front of me, light behind me,And enhance light for me.""O Allah,Provide me with Thy loveThe love of those whose love will benefit me with thee.Join our hearts with Thy LoveGather us with them that Thou Love"O Allah,Make the things I love with which Thou hast provided me a strengthto me regarding what Thou lovest.Make the things I love which Thou hast turned awayfrom me a means of my devoting myself to what Thou lovest."O Allah!For You have all knowledge,Support me with Your PowerI ask for Your Bounty,For You are able to do things while I am not,For You know while I do not;For You are the Knower of the Unseen.Bestow me the matter that good for meIf the matter both at present and in the futureIf the matter good in my religion, in this life and in the Hereafter,Fulfill it for me and make it easy for me,If You know that the matter is not good forThen divert me from it and choose for me what is good wherever it may be, aAnd make me be pleased with it."O Allah,Bring us a blessing in this worldBring us a blessing in the next lifeGuard us from punishment of Hell.Make me grateful to Thee, mindful of Thee,Full of fear towards Thee, devoted to Thy obedience,Humble before Thee, or penitent.'O Allah,I submit my soul to You,I surrender myself to You,I turn my face to You.I entrust my affairs to You.I believe in YouI depend upon YouI retreat unto You for protection with hope and fear in You.There is no resort and no savior but YouO, AllahYour Word is the Truth,Your Promise is the Truth,The Meeting with You is the Truth,Paradise is the Truth,The Hell Fire is the Truth,The Hour is the Truth.You are my only God (Whom I worship)and there is no other God for me (i.e. I worship none but You)."O, AllahYou are my only God (Whom I worship)and there is no other God for me (i.e. I worship none but You)."Please answer my supplications. Ameen


Nama Syaitan Dalam Al-Fatihah

Assalamualaikum,Semoga boleh dimanfaatkan Al-Fatihah adalah satu rukun dalam solat, apabila cacat bacaannya maka rosaklah solat. Oleh itu perbaikilah bacaannya dengan ilmu tajwid. Bukan setakat bacaannya saja rosak malah kita menyebut nama syaitan di dalam solat kita. Berikut diperturunkan nama syaitan laknat yang wujud didalam Al-Fatihah, sekiranya kita tidak berhati-hati.

Nama syaitan:1. DU LI LAH (bila dibaca tiada sabdu) sepatutnya DULILLAH

2. HIR ROB (bila dibaca dengan sabdu) sepatutnya HI ROB

3. KIYYAU (bila dibaca dengan sabdu) sepatutnya KI YAU

4. KANNAK (bila dibaca dengan sabdu) sepatutnya KA NAK

5. KANNAS (bila dibaca dengan sabdu) sepatutnya KA NAS

6). Iya (disebut tanpa sabdu) sepatutnya Iyya. Iya bermaksud 'matahari'Dalam ayat ke 5, jika salah bacaannya akan bermaksud "kepada mataharilah yang kami sembah dan kepada matahari kami meminta pertolongan"!

7. SIROTHOLLAZI sehingga habis hendaklah dibaca tanpa henti.

8).AMIN hendaklah mengaminkan Al-Fatihah dengan betul iaitu AA... dua harakat, MIN... 3 harakat, semoga Amin kita bersamaan dengan Amin malaikat, Insya-Allah. Semoga kita menjadi orang yang sentiasa membaiki bacaannya.

~ (^-^) SUE~


RASULULLAH s.a.w ketika hayatnya selalu bermuzakarah bersama umat Islam lain, terutamanya empat sahabat karib baginda, iaitu Abu Bakar r.a; Umar r.a; Usman r.a; dan Ali r.a.Suatu hari, Rasulullah dengan Abu Bakar, Umar dan Usman berkunjung ke rumah Ali, isterinya, Sayidatina Fatimah r.ha, yang juga puteri Rasulullah, mengihidangkan madu untuk mereka.Madu itu diletakkan Sayidatina Fathimah dalam sebuah mangkuk cantik dan ketika ia dihidangkan, sehelai rambut secara tiba-tiba jatuh ke dalam mangkuk berkenaan.Rasulullah kemudian meminta sahabatnya membuat perbandingan terhadap tiga benda terbabit, iaitu mangkuk cantik, madu dan sehelai rambut.Abu Bakar berkata berkata: “Iman itu lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik ini, orang yang beriman itu lebih manis dari madu, dan mempertahankan iman itu lebih susah daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Umar berkata: “Kerajaan itu lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik ini, seorang raja itu lebih manis daripada madu, dan memerintah dengan adil itu lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Usman berkata: “Ilmu itu lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik ini, orang yang menuntut ilmu itu lebih manis daripada madu, dan beramal dengan ilmu yang dimiliki itu lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Ali berkata: “Tamu itu lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik ini, menjamu tamu itu lebih manis daripada madu, dan membuat tamu itu senang sampai kembali ke rumahnya adalah lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Fatimah berkata: “Seorang wanita itu lebih cantik daripada sebuah mangkuk yang cantik ini, wanita yang berpurdah itu lebih manis daripa madu, dan mendapatkan seorang wanita yang tidak pernah dilihat oleh orang lain keculai muhrimnya adalah lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Rasulullah kemudian berkata: “Seorang yang mendapat taufiq untuk beramal adalah lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik ini, beramal dengan amal yang baik adalah lebih manis daripada madu, dan berbuat amal dengan amal yang baik itu adalah lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Malaikat jibril a.s pula berkata: “Menegakkan pilar-pilar agama itu adalah lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik itu, menyerahkan diri, harta dan waktu untuk usaha agama lebih manis daripada madu, dan mempertahankan usaha agama sehingga akhir hayat adalah lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Allah s.w.t kemudian berfirman: “Syurga-Ku itu lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik itu, nikmat syurgaKu itu lebih manis daripada madu, dan jalan menuju syurgaKu adalah lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”

p/s : sedia kan amalan yg cukup utk menempuh hari yg kekal abadi... Kesunyian pasti mengamit jika tdk bertemu walau cuma di alam mimpi. Tp aku yakin ini garis pertama & kita tdk boleh melangkah krn takdir kita adalah shbt…

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Exam stress - and how to beat itDownload the ChildLine leaflet Exam Stress (And How to Beat It!) (PDF version)

DOs :
~ Try to work to a revision timetable - start planning well before exams begin - your teacher should be able to help you with this.

~ Make your books, notes and essays more user-friendly with summary notes, headings, sub-headings, highlighting and revision cards. Try using key words or spider charts. Get tips on other revision techniques from teachers and friends - do what works for you.

~ Everyone revises differently - find out what routine suits you best - alone or with a friend; morning or late at night; short, sharp bursts or longer revision sessions.

~ Take notes of important points when revising as an aid for future revision or if you need to clarify something with a teacher. Try explaining the answers to tricky questions to someone else, or look at past exam papers and try answering some of the questions.

~ Ask for help if there are things you don't understand. If you're feeling stressed out, talk to someone.

DON'Ts :
# Don't leave revision to the last minute.

# Don't avoid revising subjects you don't like or find difficult.

# Don't forget that there is a life beyond revision and exams.

# Don't cram ALL night before an exam.


Helping your friends
What should you do if your friend has a problem or is in trouble? Suppose your friend doesn't want to talk about it? Or maybe they've confided in you but sworn you to secrecy? These situations are not easy. Sometimes just being there and listening is enough but sometimes they might need more help than you can give them.

When friends fall out
Sometimes you and your friends may fall out. Everyone has rows with their friends, and usually you make it up again soon. But sometimes the rows are more serious; maybe your friend has been nasty, or gossiped about you. Maybe you've let them down or something you said came out wrong. Whatever the reason, sometimes friends have serious arguments. These can feel terrible. People who were part of your life, whom you relied on, are suddenly not there.


What is racism?
  • Racism is treating someone differently or unfairly simply because they belong to a different race or culture.People can also experience prejudice because of their religion or nationality.Racism takes many different forms. These can include:
  • Personal attacks of any kind, including violence
  • Written or verbal threats or insults
  • Damage to property, including graffiti

Why are people racist?

  • Unfortunately racism can exist in all races and cultures. Racists feel threatened by anyone who is from a different race or culture.
  • We are not born racist. Our views and beliefs develop as we grow up. If a child or young person grows up within a racist family, or has friends who are racist, they may believe that racism is normal and acceptable.
  • Prejudice of any kind is often based on ignorance and fear of anything unfamiliar.

The effects of racism

  • If a young person is experiencing racism of any kind, they may become lonely and sad. They may also try and avoid situations where racist behaviour could occur, and pretend to be ill, play truant from school, or be scared to leave their house.

teacher roles

A traditional view of the teacher is of someone who dispenses knowledge: someone who Lectures, tells, feeds, disseminates, covers material, teaches the subject matter more than the students. The students sit passively while the teacher is on show. Desks in rows and a blackboard and podium up front are an arrangement designed for this role of a teacher. However, lectures are effective for giving short sets of instructions, background information, guidelines, or other information that is needed in a short time frame (e.g., before doing a class project, lab, or group activity).

Demonstrations, on the other hand, allow students to experience more fully the information and concepts the teacher wants to impart during the lesson. Although the teacher is still the center of the action and the dispenser of knowledge, students can more easily see what they need to know and more efficiently link it to prior knowledge in their own ways. Students remember much better what they have both heard and seen (or even touched, smelled, or tasted)!

Listening is a very important teacher role, something that we don't usually think of in connection with the lecturer role, however. Listening is crucial for assessment of learning (checking comprehension and appropriate challenge level), for collaboration between teachers and students (coaching instead of just judging), and for giving students a real sense of ownership of classroom activities as well as for allowing students to articulate and internalize the learning processes. Teachers who listen can turn around and provide very effective support structures to guide students on to the next level of challenge.

Empowering is really what teaching is all about. Ironically, though, many teachers act as if empowering students means weakening themselves--their authority as both a classroom disciplinarian and a subject-matter authority. But maybe power is like love: the more you give, the more you get.

p/s .. Obviously, teachers wear many hats: friend, counselor, judge, mentor--hundreds of roles and different roles for different classes, students, and extra curricular duties

friend forever..

~friend is someone that we need when we sad, happy. success and so forth.. ~

(^-^) A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.

( >_<) Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow; Don't walk behind me, I may not lead; Walk beside me, and just be my friend.

(-.-) If two friends ask you to judge a dispute, don't accept, because you will lose one friend; on the other hand, if two strangers come with the same request, accept because you will gain one friend.

(*;*) The glory of friendship is not in the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is in the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him.

( '_") However much we guard ourselves against it, we tend to shape ourselves in the image others have of us. It is not so much the example of others we imitate, as the reflection of ourselves in their eyes and the echo of ourselves in their words.

chicken soup for the soul..

A collection of famous proverbs from everywhere.

If you want happiness for an hour -- take a nap. If you want happiness for a day -- go fishing. If you want happiness for a month -- get married. If you want happiness for a year -- inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime -- help someone else.
Chinese Proverb

Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time.
Chinese Proverb

Teachers open the door but you must walk through it yourself.
Chinese Proverb

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.
Chinese Proverb

Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still.
Chinese Proverb

Follow love and it will flee, flee love and it will follow.

A mother's heart is always with her children.

There is not so much comfort in having children as there is sorrow in parting with them.

In teaching others we teach ourselves.

Think of your own faults the first part of the night when you are awake, and of the faults of others the latter part of the night when you are asleep.
Chinese Proverb

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

hye guys.. (^-^)

it seems like our final exam just around the corner.. well, i hope all of you are ready enough to "fight" soon. today i would love to share some proverbs that might be useful to all of you.. read and enjoyed it.. bye...

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Unknown Source

Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward.
Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) Danish philosopher and writer.

And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) Politician. President of the United States.

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on.
Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.
Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) Danish philosopher and writer.

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.
Unknown Source

Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying.
Martin Luther (1483-1546) German priest and scholar.

Men never remember, but women never forget.
Unknown Source

Is life worth living? It all depends on the liver.
William James (1842-1910) American philosopher and psychologist.

What is important in life is life, and not the result of life.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832) German poet, novelist and dramatist.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Assalamualaikum..hello2.. kepada kawan2 di luar sana yang sedang bercinta, semoga cinta anda kepada manusia tidak melebihi cinta anda kepada pencipta kita.. Allah S.W.T..

Ya Allah jika aku jatuh cinta,
*cintakanlah aku pada seseorang yang melabuhkan cintanya padaMu,
agar bertambah kekuatanku untuk menyintaiMu

Ya Muhaimin, jika aku jatuh hati,
*izinkanlah aku menyentuh hati seseorang yang hatinya tertaut padaMu
agar tidak terjatuh aku dalam jurang cinta nafsu...

Ya Rabbana ,jika aku jatuh hati
*jagalah hatiku padanya agar tidak berpaling daripada hatiMu.....

Ya Rabbul Izzati ,jika aku rindu ,
*rindukanlah aku pada seseorang yang merindui syahid di jalan Mu....

Ya Allah ,jika aku menikmati cinta kekasihMu
*janganlah kenikmatan itu melebihi kenikmatan indahnya bermunajat di sepertiga malam terakhirMu

Ya Allah ,jika aku jatuh hati pada kekasihMu
*jangan biarkan aku tertatih dan terjatuh dalam perjalanan panjang menyeru manusia kepadaMu....

Ya Allah jika Kau halalkan aku merindui kekasihMu
*jangan biarkan aku melampaui batas sehingga melupakan aku pada cinta hakiki dan rindu abadi hanya kepadaMu...

p/s: untuk renungan bersama.. untuk diriku, keluargaku juga sahabat2ku..

stress management..

hye guys.... are you having stress today?? or do you have problem that you can't settled it??well.. don't let your mind being control with all that stuff..start your new day with smile and enjoy your precious life.. don't let any 'viruses' conquer you..hahaha..

hehehe.. today i would love to share this information to all of you.. i hope this article will help those who stress or having problem to reduce thier feeling of sad, worry and uncomfortable..enjoy it..

A lecturer, when explaining stress management to an audience, raised a glass of water and asked, "How heavy is this glass of water?" Answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g. The lecturer replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it. "If I hold it for a minute, that's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my right arm. If I hold it for a day, you'll have to call an ambulance. In each case, it's the same weight, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes. "
He continued, "And that's the way it is with stress management. If we carry our burdens all the time, sooner or later, as the burden becomes increasingly heavy, we won't be able to carry on. As with the glass of water, you have to put it down for a while and rest before holding it again. When we're refreshed, we can carry on with the burden."
"So, before you return home tonight, put the burden of work down. Don't carry it home. You can pick it up tomorrow. Whatever burdens you're carrying now, let them down for a moment if you can Relax; pick them up later after you've rested. Life is short. Enjoy it!"
And then he shared some ways of dealing with the burdens of life:

* Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.
* Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.
* Always read stuff that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it.
* Drive carefully. It's not only cars that can be recalled by their maker.
* If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague.
* If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.
* It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.
* Never buy a car you can't push.
* Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time, because then you won't have a leg to stand on.
* Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.
* Since it's the early worm that gets eaten by the bird, sleep late.
* The second mouse gets the cheese.
* When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
* Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.
* You may be only one person in the world, but you may also be the world to one person.
* Some mistakes are too much fun to only make once.
* We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names, and all are different colors, but they all have to live in the same box. "

p/s: A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour. Have an awesome day and know that someone has thought about you today . . I did.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Suatu ketika, ada seorang anak perempuan yang bertanya kepada ayahnya, tatkala tanpa sengaja dia melihat ayahnya sedang mengusap wajahnya yang mulai berkerut-merut dengan badannya yang terbongkok-bongkok, disertai suara batuk-batuknya. Anak perempuan itu bertanya pada ayahnya : "Ayah, mengapa wajah ayah kian berkerut-merut dengan badan ayah yang kian hari kian membongkok ?"Demikian pertanyaannya, ketika ayahnya sedang berehat di beranda.Si ayah menjawab : "Sebab aku lelaki."Anak perempuan itu berkata sendirian : "Aku tidak mengerti".Dengan kerut-kening kerana jawapan ayahnya membuatnya termenung rasa kebingungan.Ayah hanya tersenyum, lalu dibelainya rambut anaknya itu, terus menepuk-nepuk bahunya, kemudian si ayah mengatakan : "Anakku, kamu memang belum mengerti tentang lelaki."Demikian bisik Si ayah, yang membuat anaknya itu bertambah kebingungan. Kerana perasaan ingin tahu, kemudian si anak itu mendapatkan ibunya lalu bertanya kepada ibunya : "Ibu, mengapa wajah Ayah jadi berkerut-merut dan badannya kian hari kian membongkok? Dan sepertinya ayah menjadi demikian tanpa ada keluhan dan rasa sakit?"Ibunya menjawab: "Anakku, jika seorang lelaki yang benar-benar bertanggungjawab terhadap keluarga itu memang akan demikian."Hanya itu jawapan si ibu.

Si anak itupun kemudian membesar dan menjadi dewasa, tetapi dia tetap juga kasih tercari-cari jawapan, mengapa wajah ayahnya yang tampan menjadi berkerut-merut dan badannya menjadi membongkok?Hingga pada suatu malam, dia bermimpi. Di dalam impian itu seolah-olah dia mendengar suara yang sangat lembut, namun jelas sekali. Dan kata-kata yang terdengar dengan jelas itu ternyata suatu rangkaian kalimah sebagai jawapan rasa kebingungannya selama ini."Saat Ku-ciptakan lelaki, aku membuatnya sebagai pemimpin keluarga serta sebagai tiang penyangga dari bangunan keluarga, dia senantiasa akan berusaha untuk menahan setiap hujungnya, agar keluarganya merasa aman, teduh dan terlindung.""Ku ciptakan bahunya yang kuat dan berotot untuk membanting-tulang menghidupi seluruh keluarganya dan kegagahannya harus cukup kuat pula untuk melindungi seluruh keluarganya.""Ku berikan kemahuan padanya agar selalu berusaha mencari sesuap nasi yang berasal dari titisan keringatnya sendiri yang halal dan bersih, agar keluarganya tidak terlantar, walaupun seringkali dia mendapat cercaan darianak-anaknya"."Ku berikan keperkasaan dan mental baja yang akan membuat dirinya pantang menyerah, demi keluarganya dia merelakan kulitnya tersengat panasnya matahari, demi keluarganya dia merelakan badannya berbasah kuyup kedinginan dan kesejukan kerana tersiram hujan dan dihembus angin, dia relakan tenaga perkasanyadicurahkan demi keluarganya, dan yang selalu dia ingat, adalah disaat semua orang menanti kedatangannya dengan mengharapkan hasil dari jerih-payahnya.""Kuberikan kesabaran, ketekunan serta kesungguhan yang akan membuat dirinya selalu berusaha merawat dan membimbing keluarganya tanpa adanya keluh kesah, walaupun disetiap perjalanan hidupnya keletihan dan kesakitan kerapkali menyerangnya"."Ku berikan perasaan cekal dan gigih untuk berusaha berjuang demi mencintai dan mengasihi keluarganya, didalam suasana dan situasi apapun juga, walaupun tidaklah jarang anak-anaknya melukai perasaannya, melukai hatinya.Padahal perasaannya itu pula yang telah memberikan perlindungan rasa aman pada saat di mana anak-anaknya tertidur lelap. Serta sentuhan perasaannya itulah yang memberikan kenyamanan bila saat dia sedang menepuk-nepuk bahu anak-anaknyaagar selalu saling menyayangi dan saling mengasihi sesama saudara.""Ku berikan kebijaksanaan dan kemampuan padanya untuk memberikan pengertian dan kesedaran terhadap anak-anaknya tentang saat kini dan saat mendatang, walaupun seringkali ditentang bahkan dikotak-katikkan oleh anak-anaknya.""Ku berikan kebijaksanaan dan kemampuan padanya untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan menyedarkan, bahawa isteri yang baik adalah isteri yang setia terhadap suaminya, isteri yang baik adalah isteri yang senantiasa menemani, dan bersama-sama menghadapi perjalanan hidup baik suka mahupun duka,walaupun seringkali kebijaksanaannya itu akan menguji setiap kesetiaan yang diberikan kepada isteri, agar tetap berdiri, bertahan, sepadan dan saling melengkapi serta saling menyayangi.""Ku berikan kerutan diwajahnya agar menjadi bukti, bahawa lelaki itu senantiasa berusaha sekuat daya fikirnya untuk mencari dan menemukan cara agar keluarganya dapat hidup didalam keluarga bahagia dan badannya yang terbongkok agar dapat membuktikan, bahawa sebagai lelaki yang bertanggungjawab terhadap seluruh keluarganya, senantiasa berusaha mencurahkan sekuat tenaga serta segenap perasaannya, kekuatannya, kesungguhannya demi kelanjutan hidup keluarganya.""Ku berikan kepada lelaki tanggungjawab penuh sebagai pemimpin keluarga, sebagai tiang penyangga (seri/penyokong), agar dapat dipergunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya. Dan hanya inilah kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh lelaki, walaupun sebenarnya tanggungjawab ini adalah amanah di dunia dan akhirat."Terkejut si anak dari tidurnya dan segera dia berlari, berlutut dan berdoa hingga menjelang subuh. Setelah itu dia hampiri bilik ayahnya yang sedang berdoa, ketika ayahnya berdiri si anak itu menggenggam dan mencium telapak tangan ayahnya."Aku mendengar dan merasakan bebanmu, ayah."

P/S: Bila ayah anda masih hidup jangan sia-siakan kesempatan untuk membuat hatinya gembira. Bila ayah anda telah tiada, jangan putuskan tali silaturahmi yang telah dirintisnya dan doakanlah agar Allah selalu menjaganya dengan sebaik-baiknya.Amin. AL FATIHAH BUAT ARWAH ABAH TERSAYANG..
Assalamualaikum ... Hanya Ingin Mengingatkan ...

Kubur Setiap Hari Menyeru Manusia Sebanyak Lima (5) Kali ...
1. Aku rumah yang terpencil,maka kamu akan senang dengan selalu membaca Al-Quran.

2. Aku rumah yang gelap,maka terangilah aku dengan selalu solat malam.

3. Aku rumah penuh dengan tanah dan debu,bawalah amal soleh yang menjadi hamparan.

4. Aku rumah ular berbisa,maka bawalah amalan Bismillah sebagai penawar.

5. Aku rumah pertanyaan Munkar dan Nakir,maka banyaklah bacaan "Laa ilahaillallah, Muhammadar Rasulullah", supaya kamu dapat jawapan kepadanya.

Lima Jenis Racun dan Lima Penawarnya .....
1. Dunia itu racun,zuhud itu ubatnya.

2. Harta itu racun,zakat itu ubatnya.

3. Perkataan yang sia-sia itu racun,zikir itu ubatnya.

4. Seluruh umur itu racun,taat itu ubatnya.

5. Seluruh tahun itu racun,Ramadhan itu ubatnya

Nabi Muhammad S.A.W bersabda: Ada 4 di pandang sebagai ibu ", iaitu :
1. Ibu dari segala UBAT adalah SEDIKIT MAKAN.

2. Ibu dari segala ADAB adalah SEDIKIT BERBICARA.

3. Ibu dari segala IBADAT adalah TAKUT BUAT DOSA.

4. Ibu dari segala CITA CITA adalah SABAR. Berpesan-pesanlah kepada kebenaran dan kesabaran.

Beberapa kata renungan dari Qur ' an : Orang Yang Tidak Melakukan Solat:
Subuh : Dijauhkan cahaya muka yang bersinar

Zuhor : Tidak diberikan berkah dalam rezekinya

Asar : Dijauhkan dari kesihatan/kekuatan

Maghrib : Tidak diberi santunan oleh anak-anaknya.

Isyak : Dijauhkan kedamaian dalam tidurnya

P/s: semua manusia akan mati, beringat2lah dalam melakukan sesuatu perkara.. jauhi larangannya dan banyakkan melakukan ibadah kepadaNya.. semoga kita semua tergolong dalam golongan yang beriman..

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Assalamualaikum pada teman-teman dan pengunjung blog ni..
hari ni merupakan hari baru bagi saya sebagai seorang pelajar, anak, teman dan seorang muslim. semalam saya menghadapi kesukaran yang betul2 menguji keimanan dan kesabaran. Saya dikejutkan dengan berita yang agak menyedihkan dan membuatkan hati saya resah dan tak menentu.. apa itu cinta.. cintakan manusia, manusia mati, cintakan tumbuhan, tumbuhan layu, tetapi cinta pada Allah S.W.T akan kekal selamanya..

cinta dan sahabat.. mane lebih penting??
mungkin bagi sesetengah orang, persahabatan lebih penting berbanding cinta, tetapi bagi diri saya, kedua2nya adalah penting. semalam saya telah mendapat ujian yang besar melibatkan sahabat dan orang yang saya sayang.. semua saya sayang, semua saya percaya dan semua penting dalam hidup saya.. tetapi sebagai seorang muslim, apa yang perlu kita lakukan hanyalah memohon doa kepadaNya supaya diberi petunjuk yang sebaik2nya.. semalam macam2 hal terjadi pada saya.. (The day that everything goes wrong), disebabkan masalah yang saya hadapi, saya tak dapat tumpu pada pelajaran di kelas, kadang2 terfikir kenapa manusia mudah sangat stress dan terbawa2 masalah tu.. bila saya sedar, tak patut saya berkelakuan begitu, saya tumpu pada pembelajaran, tapi masih hilang tumpuan..saya sedih sangat, pastu cover muka sebab nak nangis. habis je class, saya terus ke toilet and tiba2 sapu tangan yang saya guna masa kat class tadi terjatuh lam toilet.. masyaallah.. ujian apakah ini??

lepas tu kawan2 ajak gi tesco, nak beli barang dapur, saya ikut je dengan minda yang berat.. sampai kat tesco kitorang pergi solat asar dulu, rasa tenang bila solat..tapi masa nak keluar dari surau, saya perasan selipar saya tak ada kat tempat yang saya letak tadi.. Ya Allah.. sape la yang amik selipar tu.. yang heran tu, selipar orang lain tak ambik plak.. sekitar tesco saya cari tapi tak jumpa siapa yang pakai selipar tu.. terpaksalah saya pakai selipar jepun yang ada kat surau tu.. sedih sangat sebab selipar tu masih baru dan selesa kaau pakai.. saya menyumpah2 sebab geram..pastu cam terfikir, tak baik la plak camtu, terus beristighfar banyak.. astaghfirullah...ujian apakah ini??

habis satu tesco saya round tapi tak jumpa gak kelibat orang yang abik seliar saya tu, so kitorang terus je masuk kat pasaraya tu and beli barang2 keperluan.. saya jalan je.. tak rasa nak beli pape..minda rasa serabut je..saya jalan,jalan dan jalan tengok2 troli dah penuh, tak sedar bila kawan2 letak barang tu.. apa nak jadilah dengan aku ni.. terfikir2 plak saya.. lepas je beli barang kitorang balik, separuh dengan teksi separuh dengan bas..
sampai je kat rumah kitorang, saya sedar2, kad matrik saya tak ada.. ntah bila terjatuh.. saya cari kat kawasan rumah tapi tak jumpa.. saya termenung seketika, Ya Allah..ujian apakah ini??

malam tu saya murung je..ntah apa yang tak kena pada saya,saya msg kakak yang berada di Australia dan dia hubungi saya.. saya luah semua masalah saya kat dia.. Alhamdulillah saya rase lega sangat lepas tu..

hari ni saya dah taknak fikir lagi masalah2 yang tak sepatutnya difikirkan.. teringat kata2 kakak semalam.." apa yang berlaku adalah Qada' dan Qadar yang Allah tetapkan, ujian yang Allah beri menunjukkan Allah sayang pada hambanya dan mahu kita sedar atas kesilapan dan jangan lalai dalam mengingatinya.. itu hanya ujian yang kecil, ramai lagi yang di uji dengan perkara yang lebih banyak2kan berdoa minta pertolongan dan petunjuk darinya" Ya Allah.. mungkin banyak sangat kesilapan yang saya buat secara sedar mahupun tidak.. saya tanamkan azam baru pada hari ini, ingin lupakan hal lama dan mulakan kehidupan yang baru.. Alhamdulillah disebabkan masalah tu saya semakin yakin dan berharap saya lebih bersedia menghadapi apa jua rintangan yang mendatang dan yang paling penting setiap perkara yang saya buat, semuanya adalah kerana Dia..

"Ya Allah, aku bersyukur di atas nikmat yang Engkau berikan dan aku redha dengan ujian yang Engkau turunkan padaku..sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang maha mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk diriku..amin.."

harap2 cerita saya ni boleh buat iktibar kat teman2.. walau apa pun ujian yang melanda, kita sebagai umat islam harus tabah dalam menanganinya.. jangan sampai minda dan diri di pengaruhi masalah yang tak sepatutnya di fikirkan..banyakkan memohon doa kepadaNya dan mudah2an segala ujiain yang Allah berikan dapat membantu dan mengubah kita menjadi insan yang lebih berguna.. based on cerita tadi nampak cam banyak je masalah sampingan yang terjadi akibat dok fikir masalah yang tak penting tu..contohnya..tak dapat tumpu study, minda jadi serabut dan jadi tak sedar apa berlaku di sekeliling kita.. tak elok camtu kan..harap2.. teman2 yang lain tak jadi cam saya and saya pun harap perkara ni tak akan terjadi lagi tapi kalau terjadi pun saya rase dah bleh handle kot.. okey..moral of the story.. segala nikmat,ujian, kesenangan dan segala2nya datang dari Allah, jangan sesekali lalai kepadaNya dan pandai2 lah kawal emosi bila hadapi masalah kaau tak kita jugak yang rugi kan..(^_^)

P/s: terpaksa beli selipar baru and buat kad matrik baru..huhuhu.. pastu kena gi balik kat tesco sebab terlupa banyak barang kena beli..hehehe..

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Chicken soup for the soul

Hye..welcome to my lovely blog.. well i have something to shares with all of you today, i've got this story from my old friend and i think it is interesting story to shares and i hope all my friends will enjoy the story and i hope it can be one of your motivation in your life.. enjoy it..

Cerita tentang katak kecil

Pada suatu hari ada segerombolan katak-katak kecil,... yang berlumba lariTujuannya adalah mencapai puncak sebuah menara yang sangat tinggi. Penonton berkumpul bersama mengelilingi menara untuk menyaksikan perlumbaan dan memberi semangat kepada para peserta...
Perlumbaan dimulai...
Secara jujur: Tak satupun penonton benar2 percaya bahwa katak2 kecil akan mencapai puncak menara. Terdengar suara:
"Oh, jalannya terlalu sukar!! Mereka TIDAK AKAN sampai ke puncak." atau: "Tidak ada kesempatan untuk berhasil...Menaranya terlalu tinggi...!! Katak2 kecil mulai berjatuhan. Satu persatu... ..... Kecuali mereka yang tetap semangat menaiki menara perlahan- lahan semakin tinggi...dan semakin tinggi..

Penonton terus bersorak
"Terlalu sukar!!! Tak seorangpun akan berjaya!" Lebih banyak lagi katak kecil lelah dan menyerah... .....Tapi ada SATU yang melanjutkan hingga semakin tinggi dan tinggi... Dia tak akan menyerah!

Akhirnya yang lain telah menyerah untuk menaiki menara. Kecuali satu katak kecil yang telah berusaha keras menjadi satu-satunya yang berhasil mencapai puncak! SEMUA katak kecil yang lain ingin tahu bagaimana katak ini boleh melakukannya?
Seorang peserta bertanya bagaimana cara katak yang berhasil menemukan kekuatan untuk mencapai tujuan? Ternyata... Katak yang menjadi pemenang itu PEKAK!!!!

Kata bijak dari cerita ini adalah:
Jangan dengar orang lain yang mempunyai kecenderungan negatif ataupun pesimis...
...kerana mereka mengambil sebagian besar mimpimu dan menjauhkannya darimu.
Selalu fikirkan kata2 bertuah yang ada.
Kerana segala sesuatu yang kamu dengar dan kamu baca boleh mempengaruhi perilakumu!

Kerana itu:
Tetaplah selalu.... POSITIVE!
Dan yang terpenting
Buat PEKAK jika orang berkata kepadamu bahwa KAMU tidak bisa menggapai cita-citamu! Selalulah berfikir: I can do this!
P/s: okey x cerita ni.. harap dapat ambil iktibar dan berusaha bersungguh-sungguh dalam ape jua yang kita lakukan..chayo'2.. aja-aja fighting!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hye there..
this is my first blog that i've created, thank god that i've been introduced to this kind of technology and telecomunication, maybe this is the new version of diary that can help me shares my feeling, information and in the other hand help me keep in touch with other friends, so as my first appearance, i would like to dedicate poems to all my friends out there

Dedicated to all my friends especially my lovely classmates..

A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift, A friend is someone we treasuref or our friendship is a gift. A friend is someone who fills our lives with beauty, joy, and grace And makes the whole world we live in a better and happier place.

friends are there...friends are there when you need them, friends are there hot or cold, friends are there new or old, friends are there when you cry, friends are there to wipe your eye, friends are there when you go on a cruise, friends are there when you win or loose, friends are there through thick and thin, friends are there until the end!