Wednesday, April 9, 2008

When we love someone.... all that come from him/her are just beautiful and wonderful. We love every single thing comes from our beloved one. We admire everything about him/her. We think she/he is the most and the only perfect person in the world. We do unconditional sacrifice to do our best effort to understand deeply his/her language: his/her words, gestures, countenances, even understand of his/her silent. We try to understand every single word that composed for us, listen heartily every singles things that come from her/his mouth. We want to understand our beloved one with heart, listen him/her with heart. All of them are just in intention to be totally compassion, sympathy, and empathy as the devotion to our beloved one and to grow our love to him/her more.He/she is being the most important part of our life and even we take care of him/her more than we care ourselves. We would do anything sincerely and unconditionally to please our beloved one. The consequence we would try our best to watch out our behavior to not annoy her/him even just a bit. Ultimately we only think how to please our beloved one and how to make that person happy whole time, just to see his/her smiles face whole times.
Live seem just with highest goal to please the beloved one…Have you ever got love letter? Have you ever written love letters? If not let’s we imagine as if we ever did that, lets we imagine as if we are a true lover.Now, lets we think Allah is our beloved one and the only one who deserve to be loved whole heartily, He is the destination, the foundation and the source of all the love in this world. And Imagine Holly Quran is His love letters that sent for us through our beloved messenger Rasulullah sallahu alaihi wassalam.We actually just a lover in a short journey searching our beloved one and we are in lost...we are tying find the way to reach our beloved one (Allah subhana wata'ala). All we know He is waiting us, He always there but He actually very close and always watch us and He said a promise one day He will meet us and He will show His face to His sincere lovers, subhanallah – an ultimate gift for every lover to see one that loved. For that reason He has composed a book (Holly Quran) and it sent with His mercy because He loves us. He sent it as guider to read, understood and followed.
If we think Holly Quran as His love letters and if we sure it come from our beloved one we must yearn hardly to understand every singles words there. Even if we can’t understand the language we could feel the power behind that language, could feel the signal of love that sent while He composed it, just like the heart of lover that always in the sensitive frequency to catch the signal of the beloved through the barrier of language, distance and times. We could feel we are reading something lovely from our beloved one, even just only touch it, the heart has already started beating think we are going to read lovely words from our beloved one. We could feel the beauty, think all wonderful and amazing, our beloved one talking with us through His letters.We can not pass our days without start by read His love letters, It like kind of addiction and necessity to read His love letter whole times and make it part our life. When we feel down and sad we remember Him and read His love words to peace our heart, when we feel alone and get lost we read his love letter to feel being loved to feel never being abandon and feel always have guider to show the way. When we hardly need best friends to share we go talk with Him in silent night, privately and closely while He could listen and understand the deepest side of our heart without we tell Him. We remember Him in every time, and His love letters always accompany us in every moment of our life, in our sad and happy moment.We are in journey to be a true lover to find His love; therefore we must try our best to please Him in anything that we do. Ultimately we cant live without follow what He wishes and devote all our life and all we do just to please him…. as He is our beloved one.People said what we read could influence the way we thought. Can we imagine if we read Holly Quran everyday and try to understand it everyday, so Holly Qur'an will influence the way we thought everyday, subhanallah….

We have to try our best to keep Holly Quran inside our heart, not just part of our book collection that never moved from our bookshelf. How many of use who care to read it everyday…how many of us who has "tafseer" be part of our book collections to understand every single word our beloved one??


"O Allah:All the Praises are for You:You are the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth.You are the Light of the Heavens and the Earth.You are the Maintainer of the Heaven and the Earth and whatever is in them.O Allah!Forgive me my sins that I did in the past or will do in the future,The sins I did in secret or in public.Accept my repentance, wash away my sin,Let there be a far away distance between me and my sinsAs You have set far away the East and the West from each other.""O Allah,I seek refuge in Thee from the evil of what I hear, from the evil of what I see,I seek refuge in Thee from the evil of what I speak, from the evil of what I think,I seek refuge in Thee from hypocrisy, and evil character"O Allah,I seek refuge in Thee from objectionable characteristics, deeds and passionsI seek refuge in Thee from Knowledge which does not profit,I seek refuge in Thee from a heart which is not submissive,I seek refuge in Thee from a soul which has an insatiable appetite,I seek refuge in Thee from a supplication which is not heard.""O AllahMake true my tongueDraw out malice in my breastGuide me to the path of peace; bring me from darkness to light,Save me from obscenities, outward or inward,"O Allah,Grant me enough of what Thou makest lawfulSo that I may dispense with what Thou makest unlawful,And make me able by Thy grace to dispense with all but Thee.""O Allah,Set right for me my religion which is the safeguard of my affairs.Set right for me the affairs of my world wherein is my living.Set right for me my Hereafter on which depends my after-life.And make the life for me a source of abundance for every goodMake my death a source of comfort for me protecting me against every evil.""O Allah,Make my character beautifulPlace light in my heart, light in my sight, light in my hearing,Place light on my right hand, light on my left hand,Place Light above me, light below me, light in front of me, light behind me,And enhance light for me.""O Allah,Provide me with Thy loveThe love of those whose love will benefit me with thee.Join our hearts with Thy LoveGather us with them that Thou Love"O Allah,Make the things I love with which Thou hast provided me a strengthto me regarding what Thou lovest.Make the things I love which Thou hast turned awayfrom me a means of my devoting myself to what Thou lovest."O Allah!For You have all knowledge,Support me with Your PowerI ask for Your Bounty,For You are able to do things while I am not,For You know while I do not;For You are the Knower of the Unseen.Bestow me the matter that good for meIf the matter both at present and in the futureIf the matter good in my religion, in this life and in the Hereafter,Fulfill it for me and make it easy for me,If You know that the matter is not good forThen divert me from it and choose for me what is good wherever it may be, aAnd make me be pleased with it."O Allah,Bring us a blessing in this worldBring us a blessing in the next lifeGuard us from punishment of Hell.Make me grateful to Thee, mindful of Thee,Full of fear towards Thee, devoted to Thy obedience,Humble before Thee, or penitent.'O Allah,I submit my soul to You,I surrender myself to You,I turn my face to You.I entrust my affairs to You.I believe in YouI depend upon YouI retreat unto You for protection with hope and fear in You.There is no resort and no savior but YouO, AllahYour Word is the Truth,Your Promise is the Truth,The Meeting with You is the Truth,Paradise is the Truth,The Hell Fire is the Truth,The Hour is the Truth.You are my only God (Whom I worship)and there is no other God for me (i.e. I worship none but You)."O, AllahYou are my only God (Whom I worship)and there is no other God for me (i.e. I worship none but You)."Please answer my supplications. Ameen


Nama Syaitan Dalam Al-Fatihah

Assalamualaikum,Semoga boleh dimanfaatkan Al-Fatihah adalah satu rukun dalam solat, apabila cacat bacaannya maka rosaklah solat. Oleh itu perbaikilah bacaannya dengan ilmu tajwid. Bukan setakat bacaannya saja rosak malah kita menyebut nama syaitan di dalam solat kita. Berikut diperturunkan nama syaitan laknat yang wujud didalam Al-Fatihah, sekiranya kita tidak berhati-hati.

Nama syaitan:1. DU LI LAH (bila dibaca tiada sabdu) sepatutnya DULILLAH

2. HIR ROB (bila dibaca dengan sabdu) sepatutnya HI ROB

3. KIYYAU (bila dibaca dengan sabdu) sepatutnya KI YAU

4. KANNAK (bila dibaca dengan sabdu) sepatutnya KA NAK

5. KANNAS (bila dibaca dengan sabdu) sepatutnya KA NAS

6). Iya (disebut tanpa sabdu) sepatutnya Iyya. Iya bermaksud 'matahari'Dalam ayat ke 5, jika salah bacaannya akan bermaksud "kepada mataharilah yang kami sembah dan kepada matahari kami meminta pertolongan"!

7. SIROTHOLLAZI sehingga habis hendaklah dibaca tanpa henti.

8).AMIN hendaklah mengaminkan Al-Fatihah dengan betul iaitu AA... dua harakat, MIN... 3 harakat, semoga Amin kita bersamaan dengan Amin malaikat, Insya-Allah. Semoga kita menjadi orang yang sentiasa membaiki bacaannya.

~ (^-^) SUE~


RASULULLAH s.a.w ketika hayatnya selalu bermuzakarah bersama umat Islam lain, terutamanya empat sahabat karib baginda, iaitu Abu Bakar r.a; Umar r.a; Usman r.a; dan Ali r.a.Suatu hari, Rasulullah dengan Abu Bakar, Umar dan Usman berkunjung ke rumah Ali, isterinya, Sayidatina Fatimah r.ha, yang juga puteri Rasulullah, mengihidangkan madu untuk mereka.Madu itu diletakkan Sayidatina Fathimah dalam sebuah mangkuk cantik dan ketika ia dihidangkan, sehelai rambut secara tiba-tiba jatuh ke dalam mangkuk berkenaan.Rasulullah kemudian meminta sahabatnya membuat perbandingan terhadap tiga benda terbabit, iaitu mangkuk cantik, madu dan sehelai rambut.Abu Bakar berkata berkata: “Iman itu lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik ini, orang yang beriman itu lebih manis dari madu, dan mempertahankan iman itu lebih susah daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Umar berkata: “Kerajaan itu lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik ini, seorang raja itu lebih manis daripada madu, dan memerintah dengan adil itu lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Usman berkata: “Ilmu itu lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik ini, orang yang menuntut ilmu itu lebih manis daripada madu, dan beramal dengan ilmu yang dimiliki itu lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Ali berkata: “Tamu itu lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik ini, menjamu tamu itu lebih manis daripada madu, dan membuat tamu itu senang sampai kembali ke rumahnya adalah lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Fatimah berkata: “Seorang wanita itu lebih cantik daripada sebuah mangkuk yang cantik ini, wanita yang berpurdah itu lebih manis daripa madu, dan mendapatkan seorang wanita yang tidak pernah dilihat oleh orang lain keculai muhrimnya adalah lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Rasulullah kemudian berkata: “Seorang yang mendapat taufiq untuk beramal adalah lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik ini, beramal dengan amal yang baik adalah lebih manis daripada madu, dan berbuat amal dengan amal yang baik itu adalah lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Malaikat jibril a.s pula berkata: “Menegakkan pilar-pilar agama itu adalah lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik itu, menyerahkan diri, harta dan waktu untuk usaha agama lebih manis daripada madu, dan mempertahankan usaha agama sehingga akhir hayat adalah lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”Allah s.w.t kemudian berfirman: “Syurga-Ku itu lebih cantik daripada mangkuk yang cantik itu, nikmat syurgaKu itu lebih manis daripada madu, dan jalan menuju syurgaKu adalah lebih sulit daripada meniti sehelai rambut.”

p/s : sedia kan amalan yg cukup utk menempuh hari yg kekal abadi... Kesunyian pasti mengamit jika tdk bertemu walau cuma di alam mimpi. Tp aku yakin ini garis pertama & kita tdk boleh melangkah krn takdir kita adalah shbt…